V … already on the Dingoo!

In case you were wondering, yes, we have been infiltrated; the Dingoo is based on Visitor tech, and just check out strider_mtk’s chat logo. And as you’d expect then, the hottest new show this season is already old hat on Dingoo!

OK, so maybe we’re cheating, but where else can you play this quite so soon:


(Don’t answer that.)

It’s a surprisingly playable game too, according to Lemon64. Boot up Vice or Frodo, and show those hanging out for the reimagined conversion just why the A320 is so versatile and, well, just plain cool.

Of course, this entire post has been an excuse to ask the question: Who is hotter: Diana or Anna?


Jane Badler

Morena Baccarin

Make sure you vote on the sidebar before you go. -->


  1. Uh, Anna... I'd kill Diana just to get to Anna... and this is all coming from a gay man's POV. :-P

  2. Hominahominahomina

    (Go Team Venture) ;)

  3. Diana of course !!
    and you said that you're oldies !?


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