Beat2X1 0.1 for Dingux

Are you the Sultan of Swing, the Rajah of Rhythm or the Ayatollah of RocknRolla? You might find out if you play:

Beat2x v0.1 for Dingux
November 02, 2009
Beat2X is a clone of a dancing rhythm game called Stepmania. Ported by the Yoannd to the Dingux.

Release Thread
Pack Urban released
You can add music packs in "packs" folder, rename it in pack1, pack2, pack3...
You can download more packs here:,0,0,0,57,1350,0,0,0,57,1385,0,0,0,57,1370
-Unrar folder and paste the Beat2x folder in your dingoo.
-Run ./beat2x
DPAD Right = Right
DPAD Left = Gauche
DPAD Up = Up
DPAD Down = Down
L = L
R = R
Y = Red
A = Green
X = Purple
B = Blue
No Pause for moment,start and select not use, perhaps in a future version.
Thank's Miq01 for source code
Thank's Wirl for screen splash


  1. How about compability with regular Simfiles from FFR for example?

  2. Hmm the link is faulty :)

  3. ANyone have an error about not recognizing .ogg files?


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