Recompiled Dingux GNUBoy with remapped keys

GP2xs got sick of the GNUboy keymap, and so he rolled his own.  Grab it here:

GNUBoy with updated key mappings and save state

Postby gp2xs on Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:25 am

I compiled joyrider’s Dingoo port of GNUBoy with booboo’s latest toolchain.
Made some simple changes to the default key mappings in main.c.
Switched the B and A buttons and mapped X and L buttons to save and load state which works.
The in-game saves work as before.
The Dingoo GNUBoy keys are:
X=Save State
L=Load State
I have not tested the save states extensively so back up your SD in case something goes wrong.
Before trying this you should back up your current game saves located in:
/local/home/.gnuboy/saves/Your Rom Names.sav
This version should work with previous in-game saves.
PS: Special thanks to joyrider for posting the updated source code.

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