In memory of a dark day

Hey all, notice the date today.  Stay safe wherever you are, whoever your god is, and keep well.


  1. Yes a disaster happened, I just watched a video copy of it, condolence to those...


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh yeah, nice visual joke 'anonymous' - you stupid twat.

    and happy twin towers day - WFT? god, there are some tossers in this world....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You guys are like school on the holidays.

    -no class.

  7. HeraclesKnight was hanging out in the chat last night bragging to us about how he's lying to his parents about his Dingoo A320 being bricked to get them to buy him a second one!

    -more classy behavior from classy people!

  8. ha ha, hope his mummy and daddy see this forum then ;-)

  9. Remember all the country USA have ruined and the one they are currently destroying.

    That's clearly counting for much more than couple of thousands of people who were leading a classy life until their death.

    Respect the others and don't whine on this SINGLE day.

  10. Look I'm sorry, the incident took someone in my life that I can never get back too... And I'm not bragging that was all an online joke... I'm not all classy, I dont even have a big house... I can't even pay my own rent... Sorry everyone...

  11. I'm just making fun of the incident to forget about all that trauma it caused me... and what made me I am know...

  12. No offense but let us not dwell on the past but look to our future, and live in the present.


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