eksasol’s Dingux installation guide

eksasol has put together a short guide on installing Dingux:

Quick instruction I wrote on how to install Dingux to Dingoo

Postby eksasol on Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:17 am

Please bear in mind, I am not an expert and I haven't watched dingoo-scene's man videos. These are methods that I took from the Dingux's readme to flash the Dingoo so it can dualboot and install Dingux files into an SD card. Basically I've tried it make as easy to understand as possible so those who haven't already have Dingux running on their Dingoo may be able to. Also it won't cover too much depth, I wrote this in a single day. This instruction is for Windows OS only.


There are quite a few of these around, including this … ahem … pretty useful one .. but there can never be too many!

Cheers eksasol.


  1. My french guide to install DualBoot. It's up to date and very detailed.

    ironic (from Dingoo Mania) THE Dingoo French Forum

  2. Your Hosting Account is Suspended!?!

  3. Your Hosting Account is Suspended!?!
    Have a backup gtml files??


  4. It should be back up now.

  5. Thanks.

    The site returned.
    I created Guide portuguese based in ekasasol guide.

  6. hey can u help me, after i flash my dingoo nothing comes up on the screen i did every thing identical to what you did pls help! im stuck


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