Dingoo-Scene IRC Chat Testing -->

By request, I’m trialling the IRC widget you see on the side.  Chatroll is a bit heavy on resources, and does slow the site down somewhat.  Y’ll let me know if the IRC box on the side meets your need now, y’hear? If it works OK, I’ll phase the Chatroll box out.  Let me know what you think.


  1. It looks like your irc widget points to a wrong server.
    "Official" #dingoo-a320 channel is on irc.freenode.org, when irc widget points to irc.mibbit.net

  2. The new chat is too wide for my window, even though I make the browser full screen.

  3. its too wide and it would be nice if it gave you a cookie to keep you logged in when switching pages on the site

  4. Right now the channel is flooded with connects/disconnects. If the IRC chat is kept I don't think it should autoconnect.

  5. Very nice! Makes Firefox crash. :(

  6. URGENT!

    Stop the chat from signing EVERYONE ON when they arrive!
    The IRC channel is flooded and near unusable because of this!

  7. Hi all
    Sincere apologies about the flooding. It shouldn't autoconnect now.



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