Half-life on Dingoo – WTF?

This has popped up on Youtube …

This looks blocky - like the PS1 port which was released.  Or maybe I haven’t played Hail Life for so long, I’ve forgotten how blocky it really was! Either way, it’s food for thought! Rikkuff2000 , how about some details? It looks good!

UPDATE: Thank you intrepid readers! This appears to be a Quake Mod: http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/146053-idea-quake-life-psp-half-life-mod.html


  1. It's not a doom mod - it's a Quake mod! It can't be a doom mod given the animation and 3D models.

    Which is what Half-Life is really, heavily modded Quake 1 (often people think it's Quake 2 engine but it ain't).

    Still it's pretty cool.

  2. [url]http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/146053-idea-quake-life-psp-half-life-mod.html[/url]

  3. anyone know how to actually get this half life mod to run on the dingoo?

  4. How come the screen looks square rather than a rectangle???

  5. There's only about 10-15 original lines from the Quake 1 engine still remaining in the Goldsrc engine.

  6. here is the download: http://www.u-ac.net/hl-dingux/index.php
    it´s pretty good. :D

  7. yes it looks very cool! someone make a video of it!

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