Dingux calculator by mrlogan

A busy day for mrlogan:

Calculator for Dingux - SDLcalc v1.0

This is for the guy with the calculator fetish that haunts these forums.
Only kidding. I did it as a bit of a learning exercise.
Dpad = moves across the buttons.
A = select button
SELECT = quit
Just shove all the files in a directory somewhere and make the usual additions to your menu config.
Some of the buttons don't work because I didn't have a clue what they were for ;)
Anyway, Enjoy..?

(53.63 KiB) Downloaded 10 times


  1. Soo, waiting for HP 49G !!!!!! PLEASE!

  2. Why?
    Can't you make THIS ONE spell "shell oil"???

    Dude, turn it upside-down!


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