Out of date – but still marginally useful - idiot’s guide to installing Dingux using Linux released!


Timing is everything in comedy, as well as in writing Dingux How To Guides!  Rather aptly for a guide aimed at complete idiots, here is a guide which, if you’re intending to install Dingux once only, you’d be an idiot to follow!

Booboo’s release of the new iteration of Dingux which doesn’t require an EXT3 partition means that this guide is only likely to be useful for a few weeks at most.  However, the work has been done, so here it is: I present the Complete Idiot’s Guide to Installing Dingux (Using Linux Edition).  Grab it here in PDF, here in .zip, or here for HTML.

If you want to finish up with a Dingux install that has all the current emulators (including MAME4ALL and SNES9x) and an installed dmenu, then this is worth a try.  Just bear in mind that something potentially better has now been released, and is likely to be the Dingux of the future.


  1. I can see that you've put quite some effort in to this guide. Even though there's a new way of installing linux on the dingoo, this is still helpful for general info, so thanks for that! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks imz! At least someone read it:)


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