Ubergizmo d-pad accessory – the Cyber Coin Assist

Being the handheld console equivalent of a sawn off NDS certainly has its advantages, as it means you can readily use NDS accessories like the Cyber Coin Assist if you find Dingoo’s keypad somewhat lacking in travel.  It features on Ubergizmo this week, and distinguishes itself by looking well made and featuring a nice black string.  Can anyone translate the Japanese characters?


Thanks to Strider_mtk for the link!


  1. DX buy this acessory?

  2. Yeah but will they carry it in black?

  3. Its in white, ABS plastic, and its a set consisting of an assistance-coin, a strap whith a case for the coin and some additional sheet. Probably you should put the strap on your DS and keep the assistance coin attached to the strap.

  4. Are you sure this will fit? I thought that the NDS d-pad is smaller than the Dingoo's d-pad.

  5. @Ryan: watch this video - http://dingoo-scene.blogspot.com/2009/04/another-dingoo-d-pad-mod-save-232.html the D-pad is identical

  6. Yes that’s a nice video, but take a look of this video, WOW he made another D-pad button http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-HLra5saLE&feature=channel_page

  7. WOW,WOW,WOW, his new D-pad looks awesome

  8. 方向キーの上に貼り付けるだけの簡単装着。= A coursor key, which can be installed easily by only attaching it.

    The right part is also just a description of the product and how it is used and it doesn't refer to the Dingoo.


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