An interview with Booboo


This is a pivotal time for the Dingoo and Linux. Booboo was kind enough to spare some time and answer some questions for the community.


> Hi Booboo!

Hi Larry!

> The release of the your Linux kernel has created a lot of buzz. How does this make you feel?

Great!. Really great. I'm not the love-lots-of-attention kind of
person, but it's extremely rewarding to receive acknowledgement for
your effort and encouragement to go on.

> So, are things at this stage, going as you hoped with Linux?

Yes. As soon as a working kernel/rootfs became available a bunch of
coders started playing around with it.

> Now, some people have compiled apps. ezelkow1 is working on the toolchain. Do you know of anything else going on in development world which you are excited about?

Not really. That's pretty much everything we need for the final user:
kernel working, an efficient toolchain/rootfs, and dual boot working.
That's the immediate priority: the final user must be able to run
linuxs emus and apps on his A320, no matter if he has to reboot each
We can then take our time to implement full hardware support in the
kernel and develop a set of applications that replace the original

> At the moment, Linux can only be launched from a PC, and the Dingoo must stay connected to the PC at all times.  Of course, being able to launch and run Linux without being tethered to the PC is the key to usable Linux for all. What specific work needs to be done to achieve this - either with or without dual boot?

I've successfully installed and booted linux from the internal flash,
but I feel that is of little use until full hardware support is
achieved in the kernel and a set of base user space applications is
developed (audio player, video player, and such). So, for the time
being (and don't hold your breath), we must keep the original firmware
available and that means we need dual boot.
Dual boot is hard to get working because you must be nice to the
original firmware. That means you can use only certain areas of the
internal flash and tap into the original firmware boot process in a
way that goes unnoticed to it. Not that the original firmware is
actively working to prevent tapping, it's just that it is code
designed for working in a very specific runtime environment and
circumstances and thus it is not designed to handle errors that happen
if that environment changes.
I first tried to tap very late in the boot process (when the ccpmp.bin
file gets executed). That had the advantage of not using any "special"
tool (final users would just need to use the standard firmware upgrade
process), but failed. It turns out that as peripherals and memory
management unit is already initialized, you first have to do a
"cleanup" before the linux kernel starts, since the startup process
expects a very specific system state (ring a bell?), which is as it
comes out of reset.
That first approach is still very attractive due to installation
simplicity for final users, but at this time I've discarded it: I'm
not knowledgeable on the MIPS architecture, but most important, it
can be achieved only via a trial-and-error process which is
impractically slow (the firmware upgrade takes ages).
So I'm working in a solution that taps into the boot process right at
the beginning. The difficulty here is that the original firmware first
stage is also very picky and doesn't work even after minimal hardware
initialization, so I need to replace it by a code that checks the boot
selection and chainloads the original firmware first stage, all
without even initializing the SDRAM (which means you're running on the
instruction cache, which is only 16KB).

> Is it possible this might never be achieved?

I don't think so. I'm almost 100% sure dual boot can be achieved in
the very short term. It is just a matter of time, because as I said
earlier, the only way to debug and get it working is via a painful
(but fortunately quick) trial and error process.

> Is this issue a priority for you?

It is #1 priority, though as you know I've spent some time working on
the sound driver and other things. It's just that sometimes when you
just can't get something working, it's better to switch to another
task for a while.

> How many man hours of work do you think might be involved to achieve this?

It's hard to say because when you do reverse engineering by definition
you're getting into unexplored territory and you don't know what
you'll face. That said, I've spent already a lot of time studying the
original firmware boot process and would say that I'd only need a
couple of days (say 16 man-hours). However, as you can imagine, I
can't work full time on this (have a job and a family) and it might
take one or two weeks actually.
But again, don't hold your breath. I insist that I cannot know what
roadblocks I'm yet to face.

> What specifically could Shenzen Dingoo Digital do to assist? (Pretend for a moment that they were willing to help.)

Provide the schematic of the A320, or better yet (and less unlikely to
happen), provide info on the GPIO usage.
I asked them and they kindly answered that this info is not and will
not be available.
Note that most likely Dingoo has purchased a closed design from a
hardware manufacturer, and I bet they don't have the schematics
themselves. The firmware is also very likely to have been purchased
from ChinaChip, which have access to the schematics or at least to the
GPIO information.

> You are also working on ALSA, fixing up Linux on the newer A320s (and succeeding!), as well as considering Linux on the Gemei 760.  Anything else you're working on?

Have a look at the google code issue tracker. As soon as things get
working, I'll go on working on hardware support  until we have at
least the same functionality than the original firmware, and thus can
replace it.

> There's only 1 Booboo! Are you being stretched too far?

Well... just a bit. I was in between two jobs when I started working
on this project and was able to dedicate some serious hours. Now it's
tougher but I feel VERY encouraged by all the support I've been
receiving. It's very rewarding.
I know I can't do everything. I wish but I'm realistic and I know I
can't. But I was pretty sure I could at least jumpstart it by
providing a practical way for others to join, and I guess I've
succeeded so far.

> Despite the lack of 3d hardware, would playable PS1 or N64 emulators ever  be possible, if Linux for Dingoo was optimised enough?

I'm not an emulator writer myself, but I think the A320 is far from
having enough power to emulate PS1 or N64.

> You have a day job, and I imagine, a full life (you are 37, after all:)). What drives you to toil away at Dingoo Linux?

I enjoy electronics, programming, challenges, and learning. That's it.
In addition, I knew about the A320 when I was in between jobs, so I
had time I could use and though it could be fun and jumpstart a scene.
Now, though one could say I've become now an independent contractor, I
cannot dedicate so much time, but lack of time is partially being
compensated by motivation coming from all the encouragement and
support I've received. Thanks!.

> PS: we are the same age.  What a coincidence!


> Booboo, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. The Dingoo community is behind you every step of the way.

Thank you.


  1. cool! more than cool, awesome! my english is too poorly and lack of word to describe this, thank you booboo and thankyou larry for this enterview, i wish i could help in some way, but i don't know nothing about linux or codding, only thing i know is about sprites, images and stuff like that, if there is something i can do just let me know, is good to know you spend some of you time for us booboo, you r tha man!!!

  2. is really great that booboo has taken the time to answer these questions. there are few people out there that would put so much effort into a port like this, im glad he knows his work is appreciated. perhaps one day when the dingoo is loved by all, we can carve a giant booboo statue in tribute to his great work. maybe in the mean time we can just make some donations though, does booboo have a website?

  3. Mike, yep:
    Donate there, although I can't, I need to spare some money for myself (I'm just 15 eh :( )

  4. thanks for the link. i too am poor right now (saving my cash for a flight back home to the UK)

    but i will be sure to donate the first chance i get.

  5. Thank you for this very interesting interview, it answers a lot of questions regarding the state of the linux kernel on dingoo!

  6. Wow, thank you very much, you have made great progress so far, and hopefully this will end up as wonderful as it seems =D !!!

  7. Thanks Booboo for all your effort! Two weeks ago I came across this gadget while surfing in the internet and I became so excited about it and the hard work of people like you that I bought me one. Best game-invested money EVER!

    Muchas gracias por todo! Gente como tu mueve el mundo! ;)


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