Dingux Dualboot released!!

Unless you’ve been under a rock, or like me, just got home from work – there’s nothing more to say except GO HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY TO GET IT!!!!!

Well, you can also read more and discuss it here: http://www.dingux.com/2009/06/dual-boot-installer-released.html


  1. Slows down original firmware to a crawl, something is wrong.

  2. Can you please specify which A320 model you have?. Mine works fine and I'm still waiting for the newer model A320. Maybe the slowdown is only in newer A320 ???.

  3. Mine is the older white model..and it still has slowdown.

  4. I also get no more screen tearing in genesis emulator, but it does run noticeably slower.

  5. I also noticed a big slowdown in the generic system after linux instalation :(

  6. This is still pretty awesome!

  7. getting kernel panic...no matter what I do.

  8. Dude.

    I've been on vacation driving around Pennsylvania all week!

    I'm still on the road (just checking in) but I'm all over this when I get home!



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