Dualboot installation fixes Megadrive Emulator screen tearing!

After the installation of dualboot, the infamous tearing problem in the original Dingoo SEGA Megadrive/Genesis emulator appears to be fixed!

Look at this video of the Dingoo running MUSHA after Dingux – no screen tearing at all!  MUSHA, a fast scrolling shoot ‘em up, used to screen tear like crazy before the dualboot patch.


  1. I'd love to see a video of sonic1/2/3 with that firmware. Still uncertain if I want to buy a dingoo, as I've already preordered a pandora last september :/

  2. I'm damn near positive that a port of picodrive will surface for dingux in the very near future, which will make the built-in emu irrelevant (as well as add SCD/32X support [god I can't wait to play snatcher on it]). I was in the same position you were (I've also pre-ordered a panda), but I've found the dingoo to be the perfect complement to the pandora. It's so small, it's cheap, but also powerful at the same time. It's perfectly pocketable, whereas you'd look pretty awkward with a pandora in your pocket ;] Originally I bought t

  3. *oops, accidentally hit enter*

    Originally bought the Dingoo to tide me over until the pandora got released (thought I would have it by now), but it's become much much more. Plus I've been having a ton of fun messing with linux these past few days. In my opinion, make like nike & just do it =D

  4. This looks pretty awesome. I can't wait for the PCS adjuster.

  5. Snatcher will play like crap with Picodrive on the Dingoo (and I know what I talking about)

  6. hi. I'm anonymous1.

    Bought a black dingo on dx yesterday ;)

  7. "Snatcher will play like crap with Picodrive on the Dingoo (and I know what I talking about)"

    Care to explain why? Since it plays just fine on a gen 1 psp with picodrive.

  8. Dual Boot doesn't seem to fix anything for me, Sonic 2 is still horrible to play. Perhaps it has to do with the LCD of one's Dingoo.

    I have an old ILI9325 LCD.

  9. Yeah i still have bad tearing with the sonic games too

  10. ami el dual boot no me corrijio nada del desgarre -.-


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