By the way, throw some moolah this way

Feel free to drop me a shekel or two with the money you save, and donate by clicking on the button -->

(Try to beat the all time record set for donations so far of $0. Just think – YOU could be the first.)

Any money received will go towards the orphans of Bhutan … (ok, ok, smart crowd) alcohol, drugs and if enough is collected, other sinful vices, like this PSP looking thing. I promise you if it is funded by donations, I will write it up.


  1. There ya go. Five bone headed your way through the internets. Now keep me posted once the final version of Linux is available to download. ^_^

    Oh, and let me promo my book here. ^_^

  2. Thanx Zaxxon. Promo away! You scratch, I scratch :)


  3. Next month, sometime I'll definitely give you some monies.

  4. Sorry I already donated to booboo for this months spare change. Love the site and will def donate come around next month.

  5. I've really grown to enjoy this site and your style of writing.

    You're the voice of the Dingoo revolution.

    Here's a fiver.

  6. Strider_mtk2; thank you, much appreciated.


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