Booboo’s still coding …

I don’t know bout you, but I like to spend any available spare time on Tuesdays with some hard liquor, mindlessly surfing the net, all the better to brace my nerves for the rest of the week ahead, as I struggle with the torturous soul-destroying evil which is full time employment.

Lucky for us all, Booboo appears to enjoy spending Tuesdays optimising code to fit in 8K of memory, among other things:


A gentle reminder to all and sundry again from our interview with Booboo not that damn long ago, that he’s got a life too. So all you whinging ingrates – you know who you are - can stop your pitiful whining. Booboo is back!


  1. booboo, i want a child from you!

  2. wat is linix s it sum kinda emulater or wat????

  3. Oh I did not know some people had not idea what linux is. its a operation system like Windows XP or vista..

  4. thank you again to booboo, without whom we would still be flaming each other on the forums about the shitty emulators on the dingoo. *applause*

    and lol @ ryan. wtf?

  5. XD I'm just kidding. I dunno why. No offense to Booboo or Gadget.

  6. "Most hilarious comment. Ever."

    I just giggled like a little child... Awesome!

  7. Presumably the child is for consumption, in the hopes that you would gain booboo's superhuman skills, no?

    im onto you...


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