opens – Discuss Booboo Linux there!

There are simply not enough dingoo forums around, of course, so I’ve set up another one, in response to a discussion thread on the Spanish GP2x Boards, where they asked for a dedicated Booboo Linux forum site. Welcome all to !

At the moment, it’s about as busy as a one legged man at a bum kicking contest.  However, I’m hoping it won’t be too long before guys like these appear:


There is only one forum on it at the moment – but feel free to let me know how else we can help.


  1. I think we were hoping to just have a new section on the a230.freeforums site, not a whole new forum. That way we can try to keep everything in only a few places.

    Thanks for the help

  2. yeah, it's kind of annoying having a bunch of small large one is definitely preferable!

  3. There is now a stickied linux development thread on the a320 forums. It is underneath the software/homebrew section. This will have to suffice for now until the moderator can get ahold of the forum owner.

  4. Yep, already sitting around here, on dingoo-digital forum and the a320-freeforum, more than enough for me :) !

  5. No drama; if it doesn't get used, I'll turn it into a free porn forum:)

  6. Gr8 idea, I'd love some dingoo-porn, stripped down all the way to the circuit board XD !!!

  7. A question... why are you so excited about linux on dingoo? Will that allow better emulation? (Sorry about the newbie question.. but i am exactly that)

  8. Yep, better emulation and emulation for more machines, more homebrew games and apps, less issues and problems etc etc!

  9. It also helps greatly speed up development. Instead of having to figure out some wonky sdk, or an unfamiliar OS, it gives developers a baseline that they are already familiar with. Along with a set of standard libraries, makes trying port something 1000x easier, as well as making new stuff.


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