ezelkow1 posts kernel build, ucfctoolchain and rootfs

From the Official (and porn free) Linux development thread on the A320 freeforum:

Re: ** The Official Linux Development Thread **

Postby ezelkow1 on Sat May 23, 2009 11:51 pm

Ok, uploaded my kernel build to:
tested and it boots up fine
Uploaded my rootfs to:
I did have a few errors when tarring up the rootfs, but it looks fine to me, everything boots up fine. Do you have the options you used to build sdl_gfx, want to get that in so I can try to build gmenu with uclibc
I will upload the toolchain in a bit


uploaded the initial uclibc toolchain:
so with this and the previous kernel patches you should be able to do some basic development with uclibc. I have some newer versions of this and the root fs but they still have to be tested, add flac, madplay, and a few more libs.
Initially they look good, but i hate having to always tar up the root from my dingoo since I always have to edit the files in /etc to be able to get in over serial. i can upload the generated rootfs.tar file, but then you should keep many of your inittab, passwd, files to be able to still login

It is good to see booboo is not alone. I wonder how many more people are out there beavering away on Dingoo Linux? Speak up!


  1. http://rapidshare.com/files/236510374/b ... r.bz2.html - what is that? Check the link pls.

  2. sorry, that forums automatically parses urls and mangled that one, put up another post with the full link

  3. Link is now fixed: http://rapidshare.com/files/236510374/build_root.tar.bz2.html (also fixed in blog item). Cheers all

  4. Just realized that toolchain is sort of useless to most people. I will have to do another build tonight that hopefully can be used universally since creating a mobile toolchain that can be copied from one system to another is sort of a pain.


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