Worthy Dingoo mods

Gpeter7 has modded his Dingoo in some interesting ways …

And here’s an even more useful mod, which makes changing volume in emulators that much easier:

Nicely done, Gpeter7.  If you can provide some how to pictures and instuctions, we will gladly host them here – or send us a link!


  1. also, if you don't want to drill a bigger hole for your reset button mod, get a small flathead nail... cut it off so that it is flush with the outside of the case.

    Open the dingoo and stick it through the hole from the inside... and there you go.

    Touchable reset button !

    If the nail head is too thick, grind it down on a tiny file or light grain sandpaper.


  2. WOW, this is a good mod, I have to try it on my Dingoo, thanks a lot.

  3. Nice i have done the reset mod and i have bigger speaker in the back of my dingoo...


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