Small fruit video optimized version of firmware A320!

Yep, that’s right:

This alternative Custom Firmware (well, it predates the one just released by Teamdingoo, but appears somewhat less useful – for gaming - but not if you would like to start a recession garden, or win on The Biggest Loser) features the following:

1, using the latest firmware A320 V1.03 small fruit production
2,更新视频codec到歌美最新固件V1.31(real.dl和videos.dl) 2, video codec update to the latest firmware Gemei V1.31 (real.dl and videos.dl)
3,改原黑体字体为宋体字体 3, change the font for the original song in bold font
4,对固件进行了减肥优化(比官方固件小) 4, a weight loss of the firmware optimization (smaller than the official firmware)
5,改变一个主题桌面更适合电子书阅读 5, to change a theme more suited to desktop e-book reader

This is a screenshot: image








(If anyone reads Chinese script, please provide a better translation.)


  1. "small fruit" is Google's translation for "Ding Guo," which in English is "Dingoo." I think.

  2. I don't get it... does it optimize the Dingoo so you can play smaller video files ?

    That's what I got from what little I tried to read... lol

    what's the point.

  3. If you look at gemei forums you will find tons of modified firmwares for gemei x760+ and some for a320, some very old from the firsts firmwares, I doubt chinese people has 'predated' anything.

  4. This is off topic, but has anyone else noticed that all of the scan line problems go away in the genesis emulator when playing on tv out? Does this mean it could be a hardware problem or a display driver problem rather than the actual emulation? I tested several games and they all looked great and ran very well. As a side note trying to run the overclock app "430" while connected to tv out caused a problem, however running it before connecting tv worked fine.

  5. That's rather interessting indeed! It might have to do with timing problems in the display driver or the way the emulator handles video output.


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