Dingoo PC Engine emulator …

Bingo83 at the A320 free forums has found a “native” Dingoo PCEngine Emulator here: http://a320.freeforums.org/pc-engine-emulator-found-wip-t124.html .  Well, I say native, as in native to the Gemei 760 (by the looks of the filename) which uses the same chipset, kinda, sorta.  The emulator itself happens to work as well as the native Gameboy Color emulator (whether this is a good or bad thing, install it and see for yourself:))! 

Emphasis on the W.I.P., I think! But thanks Bingo83!


  1. I read on another dingoo site that this emulator is not great, part of the screen is cutoff or some such.


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