Anyone have information on the Dingoo LCD and GPIO of the JZ4732?

Over at the Spanish GP2x forums, booboo made this observation:

booboo booboo is offline

Definitively better to carry rockbox.
In the FTP of Ingenic there is port of uCOS-II for the JZ4740, so it would not have to be very complicated. Nevertheless, also there is port of linux, so it is, at least, EQUAL of complicated. Positions to invest effort, better to do it with linux, since there is much more developer and software that uCOS-II stops. Kernel of linux certainly occupies more ram than the one of uCOS-II, but with 32M total I do not believe that the difference is significant.
I already have datasheet of all the integrated of dingoo, with the exception of the energy management (conversion and load of battery). The unique thing that is needed is that, the information of the LCD and configuration GPIO of the CPU. This last one can be found out by means of reverse engineer, and the LCD controller I suspect that it is a ILI9325, than nothing by the name the file more (and text chains in the interior) that comes with the application from unbricking.

Doug made the same observation about the LCD screen in a comment on this post on March 23:


Anonymous said...

Hi, Gadgetmiser. Here is Doug again. Currently I am looking for more detailed information about Gemei X760+ LCD and Dingoo A320 LCD, like manufacturer, model, framerate, etc. If you, or any blog visitor can help me with this information, I am grateful.
PS. Your blog is great. You are making a excellent work. Congratulations... :)

March 23, 2009 2:50 PM

Translation to a non-Tecchy like me: if information on the LCD controller and GPIO of the CPU can be found, we will be that much closer to Linux on the Dingoo. I reckon, at least as close as Carpathia was to Titanic!


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