Retrogamer2k9’s facts about the Dingoo

Retrogamer2k9 indicates that:

“The N64 can NEVER be emulated on the Dingoo. Not only because the Dingoo is way too slow for that, but also because it has no 3D hardware acceleration. But that is needed, as LLE of the N64's graphics chip has not been archieved yet (all attempts made so far are crappy and slow even on the fastest PC). Amiga is a no-go either, unless you do a very basic HLE of an A500 or porting some old DOS crap like Fellow.


“It runs a custom OS made for/by Chinachip, just like any other PMP with the Ingenic chip.”

Good information. Thanks retrogamer2k9!


  1. I don't think Dingoo has no 3D acceleration...
    Games like 7Days would not run on this system without this kind of acceleration...
    I do belive it can run at least Mario 64.

  2. No it definitely can't run Mario 64, or any N64 games. A PSP can barely run N64 at a playable speed. Maybe when they release a model that can emulate a PSP, N64 will also be possible.

  3. I would just like to point out here that what is "possible" and what is likely to happen are two very different things. If someone with the right skill set were to put the time and effort into writing some elegant code you would likely be surprised at what the dingoo is capable of. However, there is no good reason for anyone with that particular set of skills to take the time to do it. PS1 emulation and Sega CD should be viable options for this hardware.

  4. I withdraw the ps1 being a viable option after more research.

  5. As DOOMgoo proves, you CAN BRING N64 games to the dingoo by remapping/recoding them for a 3D engine that runs on dingux. But that is not the same as porting the n64 to the the dingoo.

    I do have a question: how could i boot dos and load a .bat for an old dos game from an sd card on the dingoo?

    I have Terminal Velocity, which I got on the same disk as ROTT and some others, and ROTT is on dingux. So why not Terminal Velocity?


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