A600 posts A320 overclocking app!

A Dingoo overclocking app has been released!

“Looks like A600 has been a busy wee bee and released his Overclocking Application for the A320.
You can nab the file HERE
Unpack the RAR and put the files in your GAME/3D Folder on the Dingoo
There are various speeds 200/336/370/400/430.
The files need to be selected and run through the 3D Game menu and when you click and run it does not look as if anything has changed. Once you have clicked on the preferred speed, cancel out of 3D game and goto Interesting game and you should start to see a difference. I noticed a real difference on CPS2 and Neogeo so far, not got round to trying it out on everything yet though.
As with all these unofficial hacks - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.”

Props to Bingo83 at the A320 freeforums for posting this!


  1. White Dingoo with 1.1 Firmware = does nothing


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