Wubtris, Mojo, So lets roll a smile, Tower of Gowno – Other Dingux Pandora Angst entries

Entry Name: Wubtris
Platform: Dingoo native
Author: the Wub

Download: Dingoo native

Type: Game
Description: Falling block puzzle game

Entry Name: Mojo
Platform: GP32, Dingoo native
Author: The Wub

GP32 Dingoo Native

Type: Application
Description: This is a chord finder program
for the gp32 and dingoo.
It has about 200 basic chords.  More will
be added! :)

Entry Name: So lets roll a smile
Platform: Dingux
Author: Rodrigo Cardoso


Type: Game
Description: There is lots of angst over here,
so lets roll a smile.

Entry Name: Tower of Gowno
Platform: Dingux, GP2X
Povder & Zear

Dingux GP2X
linux x86

Type: Game
Description: The Tower of Gowno is a
genuine roguelike game written in c++.
It depends on SDL, SDL_image and
SDL_ttf. The goal of the game is to slay
the Dark Wizard and return the Orb of
Gowno to the surface.

Here is the site for the competition: http://pacc2010.xiik.net/main.html


  1. Wubtris won't start, no matter what buttons I press...

  2. HE HE HE ! gowno HE HE HE !

  3. "gowno" mean "shit" in russian.


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