gp2xpectrum – Sinclair Spectrum Dingux emulator released by A600


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Sinclair Spectrum fans can rejoice with the release of gp2xpectrum.  Get it here, and discuss it here!  Props to A600!

Next stop, C-goddamn-64, pleaaase!


  1. so am I right in saying this is a conversion of the GP2x games systems Spectrum emulator for the Dingoo running linux ?
    Is the GP2sx fairly compatible then with dingoo or is the common denominator linux and some tweeking ?

  2. That is a picture of Sr Sinclair with a QL, not a spectrum

  3. @Polossatik Thx. I thought it might have been a later version of the Speccy - my bad! Fixed. Wouldn't have made this mistake with a C64:)

  4. Big thanks to A600 for the Speccy emulator. As an aside, a big thanks to Gadgetmiser as well - I've been on this website for about 2 months now, and I'ne never seen someone so committed to bringing up ANY kind of relevant news related to our beloved Dingoos. So thanks.

    Oh, and I'll add my thoughts on C64 emulation - PLEASE can someone port Vice across. Spectrum was good, C64 unbeatable in it's hey day.

    Ah, the memories...

  5. A600 here.

    I got VICE running on the Dingoo some time ago but I only release quality stuff and that takes a lot of time, plus C64 isn't a top priority to me so you'll have to wait.

  6. Well A600, whatever is next on your list, keep up the good work. I for one appreciate it!



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