zman_3007’s .zip file makes getting the main Dingux apps going a whole lot easier!

Installing Dingux comes in 4 distinct stages.  At the moment, it goes like this:

1. Flash Booboo’s dualboot patch (to allow Dingoo to boot to Linux)

2. Prepare an SD Card with a FAT partition, and a Linux (EXT3) Partition

3. Put the linux kernel (“Zimage” file) in the FAT Partition

4. Create the directories Dingux expects in the EXT3 partition (Also known as installing the “rootfs”)

Then, after you’ve done all that, what will happen?

You’ll see, effectively, this (only against a black screen … very hardcore):

<Penguin picture>
Blah blah linux blah init setup dll very technical stuff stuff code code module blah blah ….
Blah blah linux blah init setup dll very technical stuff stuff code code module blah blah ….
Blah blah linux blah init setup dll very technical stuff stuff code code module blah blah ….
Blah blah linux blah init setup dll very technical stuff stuff code code module blah blah ….
Blah blah linux blah init setup dll very technical stuff stuff code code module blah blah ….

Login: _

Yep, steps 1 to 4 above get you to a usable Dingux system, featuring …. a command line! To actually enjoy Dingux, you still have to do step 5, which is:

5. Install the applications

Step 5 sounds simpler than it really is. Underestimating step 5 is like underestimating the power of the dark side.

First, you have to get Dmenu up and running.  Then you have to put on the good stuff, like Duke, Doom, SNES9x, and the app that goes “Who’s yo’ daddy, all?! Eat me, bitches!” - MAME4All! The relevant files for each app need to be obtained, unpacked, proper permissions and other wierd linux blessings put on them, moved to the right directories, and then, Dmenu needs to be configured to launch them all. This is very fiddly, unless you particularly enjoy moving files and tinkering under the hood at 3AM in the morning.

In fact, Step 5 is normally accompanied by step 5.5:

5.5 Transformation:


Step 5 has the above effect on most normal people.

As step 5 can easily take as much time as steps 1 to 4, and you have to do it right for each app, I recommend a great solution: IGNORE STEP 5.  Work smart, because now, thanks to zman_3007, you can!

zman_3007 has now done all the hard work in step 5 for us! All you need to do is:

Go here to read more, or click here, to download zman’s .zip file of everything which needs to be on the  EXT3 partition so you’ll have dmenu, snes9x, MAME4all and many other goodies on your Dungux’d dingoo preinstalled! Now, there is no need to individually install them - all you have to do is unzip this onto the blank EXT3 partition on your MiniSD card, and you’ll be up and running on bootup! (In fact, if you use zman’s .zip file, you can pretty much ignore step 4  as well)

(BTW: There is no dodgy stuff in the .zip file. So, you have to put ROMS in the right EXT3 directories of course, which zman_3007 explains are here:

MAME: /root/mame4all/roms
SNES: /usr/games/roms/snes
Sega Master Systems: /usr/games/roms/Seg-Master_System
Gameboy: /usr/games/roms/gameboy

Try this link for some MAME4ALL roms (you may need to download utorrent to get the roms).

You’ll also need to copy the right files over to run Doom, Duke, Heretic and Hexen. But all of the above is just copying ROMS into folders, which you should basically know how to do, even with the original firmware:))  

What can I say but that we all owe a big thank you to zman_3007! (PS zman: do you know how to make a C64 emulator for Dingux?:))


  1. Thanks zman_3007! for all video tutorial and for this is stuff. Very thanks!

  2. I also want a C64 EMU !!!!!!!!!!!!! PLS Im waiting

  3. This makes up for the confusing tutorial. Good job!

  4. Is there some good sdl or framebuffer based c64 emulator? I might get my hands on it when I finish fuse zx spectrum emulator.


  5. and thanks a lot for your work, zman_3007! now it's easy to try all the stuff that's ported already. you save all of us dingoo enthusiasts a lot of time :) It's very appreciated!


  6. Nice one, but the problem still remains my ext3 partition is only 1.2gb. The rest of my 8gb card is not being used at all. I followed z_man's awesome guides and do not know if I could use a larger partition for all the files.

  7. @ryan if zman's tutorial is confusing (and I don't agree it is), it's only because the subject matter is not quite a walk in the park. I think he deserves full props for putting all that time into those videos. We need to encourage dudes like zman, not take pot shots from the side.

  8. @THB actually you can "mount" the FAT partition to "see" it from inside dingux. Look for the tutorial section on the wiki page at to read how.

  9. I've tried porting Frodo2x & Vice, but they keep getting hung up on dependencies that aren't in the toolchain (libglade & libgnomeui). I'm confused as to why those are even dependencies in the first place, perhaps I'm forgetting to pass an option? I dunno. I'll talk to some of the devs some more about it & see what we can come up with. What I can tell you is that there is plenty in store, so stay tuned ;]

  10. hey that would be great if I can play C64 on my Dingoo

  11. Consequence_9, check the configure script with --help and see if there are any options to disable X support or something like that, anything with a gui support option you should disable.

  12. Thank you so much for this, I got it working on mine fine, then a few friends wanted me to get this working when they decided to copy me and buy the Dingoo. The .zip file is perfect.

    Thanks Z_MAN3007


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