ingood ports Open Tyrian to Dingux


ingood has ported this kick ass shooter to Dingux:

I agree, Tyrian is an awesome game. So I've ported it to Dingux. :)
As the game is freeware I've included all necessary files in this release.
Unfortunately it's too large to just upload on the forum, so I've used mediafire:
Some caveats:
- The game doesn't run full screen at this stage. (320x200 instead of 320x240)
- Sound quality is less than ideal, especially voice samples and explosions.
- Some degree of slowdown is noticeable when lots of objects are on screen.
- Seems to be a large performance hit with transparent objects. DONT use "Pentium" quality setting, use "High" at best.
Installation instructions are in README-DINGOO.txt.


  1. yeah!!! i was waiting for this one!

  2. Help! I love this game but it crashes on my Dingoo. When the boss comes at one of the "?" levels it just exits with a segfault and says "JE_selectsong: fading TODO!" in the console. I've tried reinstalling it and downloading it anew but the same thing keeps happening. Anyone experience the same thing or have any idea what it could be?

  3. I'm getting the same. I think we'll just have to wait till it's fixed.

  4. Yeah, same here, this happens in "Unknown" planet just after Bonus-stage (soon after Ixmucane). When it tries to load the end-boss, then it just crashes to segfault. The stage graphics are mainly red "balls" on the black ackground and most of the enemies are ball-like items, red "blades" and large scarab-like creatures.

    So far this is only stage for me which segfaults. Reinstalling the package does not help, so the fault is most propably on the build.

  5. What about native version then? :)


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