Shockslayer’s Y/B Button fix for Dingoo!

Shockslayer has come up with a shocking, slaying way to resolve the Dingoo Y/B button issue.  The less adventurous might prefer to wait for a firmware solution:

Update (2 May 2009):

This is the hack’s circuit diagram, for those keen to try:



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. If hackers fix the button problem, this hack will be totally useless.

  3. yes it is useless,

  4. Well, you never know how long it'll take from the fixed firmware to come out. I'd personally would have used a waaaaay small switch though, or no switch at all.

  5. isnt he gunnafeel goofy when the new firmware comes out

  6. "nonymous said...

    Well, you never know how long it'll take from the fixed firmware to come out. I'd personally would have used a waaaaay small switch though, or no switch at all."

    If anyone's actually doing the mod, these are on for $0.97CAD (probably cheaper on the US site) Downside is the shipping would neccesitate a large order; maybe someone wants to buy a crapload of dingoos and switches and sell them...


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