
An interview with the creator of the Tauon PC-1, Volodymyr Mishin

I'll bet you don't roll out of bed and think about making your own PC before breakfast.  Even you do, I bet you haven't actually  shipped . Here's someone who has.   I reached out to the creator of the  Tauon PC-1 , Volodymyr Mishyn who kindly took more than a little time to answer some detailed questions about the PC-1, how it came to be, the challenges of a project like this, his future plans for Tauon OS and what is clearly a very personal labour of love.   Many thanks Volodymyr.   Your  news blog  suggests 30 days to prototype, and 6 months to ship! If that is right, it is very impressive, given the technical and logistical activities that had to occur.  Is there more to this story? I was looking for available options before I started the project. I got myself a couple PI (3B, Zero) OrangePi, C-SKY. And tried to build some kind of educational PC for my kid. Unfortunately, the performance was awful, using...

Tauon PC-1 review

You should give this a chance. It deserves one. Welcome to the Tauon PC-1. A Tauon is an incredibly  geeky sciency thing , as it happens, and has nothing to do with the  Great Eastern Philosopher . You won't find it for sale anywhere other than on Tauon's website , and on ebay so far as I can see,  and then only if you're a regular visitor of the ebay "vintage computer hardware" category.  It won't even turn up on ebay if you search for the product name: "Tauon PC1"  - you'll just stumble upon it one day, when you're looking for a replacement floppy drive, or a C64.  So, what is it? It's a computer in a dinky little case! Hardware wise, it has: Allwinner H3 Quad Core SOC [1ghz to 1.2ghz/1gb RAM/8GB internal NAND storage] SD slot USB slot,  HDMI and composite out Ethernet Wifi UART (send/receive signals through terminal commands) I2C (drivers aren't ready yet, but promised).   Inside the case - y...

GUI Version of Gadgetmiser's C64 Romset Splitter v 1.0 released

GUI Version of Gadgetmiser's C64 Romset Splitter v 1.0 released =============================================== Windows users who hate the command line but who feel unfulfilled with only 64 games on their C64 might be interested in a new GUI version of the C64 Romset Splitter: Get it from: Enjoy your new maxi/mini!

How to show all your 17,083 c64 games from the c64 romset ( on the C64 Mini or C64 Maxi loader

Update 4 January 2020: ================================================================== New, much friendlier GUI version released - see this post: ================================================================== Hello, friends, it's been awhile.  A happy 2020 to you all. If Santa was kind this year, he may have brought you one of these:   If Santa did, you'll have worked out by now that 64 built-in games, classics though some of them are, is simply  not enough .   Your travels may have led you to this c64 romset: , which contains 17,068 games. If you pop them on a USB stick and slip it into your c64 Maxi/Mini, only the first 256 games will appear.  This is because there is a limit of 256 items per folder that can be displayed on the c64 mini/maxi loader. So you need to split the games into individual ...

My name is Bond. James Bond.

Everything is connected in today's world.  If you're surfing for Dingoos in 2015, you'll undoubtedly have come across websites based in China that are focused on only one thing: the production of every conceivable good, to fill the demand emanating from every inch of the infamous "long tail". You won't of course have found any Dingoos for sale at acceptable prices - the Chinese factory system is brutal in it's rigour.  Look to something running Android and that scratches your back as well.  Often, competition works! However, Christmas is practically (ok, kinda sorta ...)  around the corner, and if you're at a loss for what to procure as a gift to your most precious, you could do a lot lot worse than this. You can find multiple listings on ebay or aliexpress if you concantenate "lighter" and "watch".  You won't...

Oh, and then there was the GPD XD


JXD S192 Singularity Android Game Console looks like it actually has the chops

In these frigid times, the worst and driest Chinese console winter of recent memory, one would be forgiven for losing all hope of ever playing with a handheld in the sun again. Better to buy a PS4 and become a GTA V in mom's basement.  Nothing else required. But then, this protocell comes oozing out of the JXD skunkworks, festering into evolved multilife and bridging the epochs of 2012 and 2015 in a single generational jump.  As usual, for something not quite released , it is stunning on paper: Size Weight length: 274.1mm width: 143.6mm thickness: 53.3mm colour: black Display Material Full HD Retina display Size 7 inches (diagonal) Resolution 1920*1200 323ppi Processor CPU NVIDIA Tegra K1 quad core, 2.0GHz ARM Cortex-A15 GPU NVIDIA Kepler GPU, 192 CUDA cores Capacity RAM 2GB LPDDR3 Flash memory 16GB support ; Micro SD (TF) UP TO 128GB Game Supporting Android Game Nvidia special effect android games Nvidia Tegra K1 chips Exclusive G...