qbertaddict analyses soundlag on android devices

Ok here was a little experiment I preformed showing the lag on 3 android based devices. Two of the devices are PMP's from the companies JXD and Yinlips and the third device is a SAMSUNG Galaxy Nexus. When running SOME but not all emulators there seems to be a sound lag and the devices have been getting the blame. I have come to the conclusion that devices are not to blame. It seems to be a problem with either the Android OS itself or the emulators not handling sound synch correctly. I added a non-android device into the mix to show you how the game is supposed to sound.

Great work qbertaddict, this gives us all hope!


  1. the stock android soundserver is audioslinger and it has an high latency, about 170ms.... pulseaudio was ported to android months ago and registered a latency of about 20ms... i don't understand why rom developer don't include pulseaudio, witch is open source, on android.


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