ZX81’s fMSX for Dingux

See below for ZX81’s latest work – an MSX emulator for Dingux:

Dingux-MSX: MSX Emulator for Dinguxv1.1.0

Hi All,
fMSX is a famous emulator of the MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8bit home computers.
It runs MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ software on many different platforms including Windows and Unix.
See http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/ for further informations.
It has been first written by Marat Fayzullin, and later Vincent van Dam ported it on SDL.
Here is a port on Dingoo/Dingux of the version i've previously ported to GP2X-Wiz.
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
It's distributed under Marat Fayzullin's license for the original MSX part, and under GNU license for all the GP2X part.
Here is a full working binary version :
And the source code :


  1. Nice! Time to get my Metal Gear on ;]

  2. It seems I cannot make it run with real MSX speed by default. This means I should play with clock and fps parameters each time I load the new game.

    Also I'd like "fill" renderer to fill the screen vertically too.

    Also it misses setting ROM type for the ROMs which type cannot be identified properly by the emulator itself.

    In all other aspects this emulator performs much better than openMSX I was using before, especially in keys mapping, state loading time.

    Bravo, Zx81 !

  3. @stanislav: you can modify the default settings (when "carta" is written in the upper right corner). Then you save those settings, and they will become the default settings the next time you run the emu. It's the same for the keyboard and joystick settings : just modify and save the ones for "carta" and it will become the default.


  4. Kudos on this version, being a huge MSX fan, you made my day!

    One small detail though, I can't seem to get the GZipped disk images to run. I compress the .dsk files with gzip and rename the .dsk.gz as .dsz, but after resetting, nothing comes up, and the FILES command gives a Disk I/O error, as if no disk was inserted.

    Never mind, I'll run them as .dsk, which works very well. Keep up the good work!


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